It was interesting to find that the students of North Sanpete High School honored their pioneer heritage with the picture of our pioneer monument on one of the first pages of their yearbook in 1929. Today, I wonder if the current generation shares that gratitude. We owe so much to our pioneer forefathers, but how easy it is to forget the struggles the pioneers had as they settled here. Too many of our current gneration are only interested in the here and now; others "Progress" instead of "Gratitude". And for some discouragement rather than "Counting our Blessings".
During the next few weeks I will post selections from that same 1929 North Sanpete High School Yearbook. Hopefully you will find one of your ancestors there. This yearbook belonged to my sweet mother-in-law, Alice Hafen
For now these happy days will soon be past and leave their pleasant memories alone.